7:11 AM

Guys, i'm going to get my mid term report card and will see the result of my study at the school for a half term. Let's see the bad scores posted on it! How come?  In the integral daily test, of the five indicators, i only got 2, 2, 0, 0, 0! What will be posted on my report caaard!?

Almost of all the student in my class got the similar scores as bad as mine. Moreover, the result of my physics midterm test, i only got 3,7 -_________- there was only one student could pass the test, Fahreza =__="

A couple days ago, i told my parents, "Mom, Dad, don't be shocked if you see the doremi score on my mid term report card"

It's 7:07 AM now. I'm preparing for going to school, to get my report card. What will happen after i get back? We will never know....


Guess what? all what i guessed really happened -___- However, there was a miracle. Some scores that i guessed will be very bad, somehow got better when it listed on the report card. There are no doremi score, the worst is only 'fa' on physics, lol. In the other side, there are some scores that i thought will be ok turned out bad instead -_- that's chemistry. Hopfully it won't be a matter when i'm going to enter the faculty of pharmacy in the college (actually it's a big problem -_-) but i'm trying to keep spirit and keep in calm. If there's a will, there's a way


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